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Book a Workshop

Winter Immersion Workshop with Afsari

When: Saturday, Feb 22, 1pm-5:30pm (EST)
Where: Afsari's Kitchen Bay Ridge, Brooklyn
When you order you'll receive an email with detailed information.
Student 1
For emergencies only, we promise!
Student 2
For emergencies only, we promise!
Student 3
For emergencies only, we promise!
Student 4
For emergencies only, we promise!
Student 5
For emergencies only, we promise!
Student 6
For emergencies only, we promise!
Note: A discount code is not the same as a gift certificate redemption code. If you have a gift certificate, please email info@leagueofkitchens.com with 1) your code and 2) the class you'd like to take and we'll sign you up!