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Persian Fall Online Workshop

with Mab

Learn to make mirza ghasemi (roasted eggplant and smoky tomato spread), zereshk polo ba tahdig (saffron-flavored basmati rice with barberries, pistachios, and almonds, cooked with a crispy tortilla tahdig), and salad shirazi (diced Persian cucumbers and tomatoes tossed with mint, radish, and lemon juice).

Sunday, Nov 3
4pm-6:30pm (EST)
This workshop will take place online.
17 spots available
$60 per device (laptop/tablet/etc)
All ages!
All Online cooking classes include interactive cooking instruction, a virtual dinner party, a packet with the instructor's family recipes, and a video recording of the class. Since the price is per device, feel free to invite your partner, kids, or roommates to join!

Since Mab can’t physically welcome you into her home, she wants to do so virtually!

Our online classes are designed to be special, meaningful opportunities to share cooking, culture, and connection--just like our real life experiences. We want you to cook along, and we promise there will be plenty of time for questions, conversation, and stories. It will all end with a virtual dinner party where you'll get to share in the fruits of your labor, apart, but together!

In this 2.5 hour interactive online experience Mab will guide you through making three of her family recipes. During your class, you'll prepare Mab's mirza ghasemi (roasted eggplant and smoky tomato spread), zereshk polo ba tahdig (saffron-flavored basmati rice with barberries, pistachios, and almonds, cooked with a crispy tortilla tahdig), and salad shirazi (diced Persian cucumbers and tomatoes tossed with mint, radish, and lemon juice).

Here’s how it works:

After registration you’ll receive an email with the Zoom link, shopping list, equipment list, and recipe packet.

At the scheduled time of your class, you’ll click on the Zoom link and join your class live! Afterwards, you will receive a link to a video recording of your class that you can revisit at your leisure.

Shopping List for This Class

1 1/2 pounds eggplant (about 2 medium)
Fresh mint leaves, for garnish
4 Persian cucumbers
4 small scallions
2 large tomatoes (about 1 pound)
1 lemon
8 cloves garlic
1 pint grape tomatoes
3 cups basmati rice
6 tablespoons ghee
1 large egg
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1 1/2 teaspoons dried mint
1/2 teaspoon saffron threads
Two to three 8-inch flour tortillas
1/4 cup dried barberries (dried cranberries are a substitute)
extra virgin olive oil


Mab made us feel immediately welcome, from serving us her delicious lentil spinach soup, to sharing details about her childhood and life as a feminist and activist. It was an intimate form of storytelling not many other classes would provide.

Jess B.
Persian Fall Online Workshop
$60 per device
Sun, Nov 3
4pm-6:30pm (EST)
Sign Up Now